What We provide

Grow your business with email

Mailing list management

Single/double opt-in, list segmenting, mass importing/exporting, subscription form builder, blacklisting, etc.

Open/click tracking

Opens / clicks / bounces / complaints are automatically recorded. As a result, you can track the delivery status of every single email sent out.


Automation features allow you to automatically or conditionally send email campaigns to your list or individuals in response to several types of events.

Email builder

Sasta Mail comes with an advanced Email Template Builder as well as dozens of pre-built email templates/layouts for you to start on.

Continuously improve campaigns

Monitor campaign performance to discover what works best for your business.

Manage campaigns & subscribers

Take care of your email list and campaigns on desktop or on the go via the app.

Create beautiful campaigns

Pick from three editors to create engaging, responsive campaigns.

Improve customer retention

Your most valuable customers are your existing customers. Nurture them with perfectly-timed emails using an e-commerce integration.

Email performance matter

Every newsletter is a learning opportunity! Monitor campaigns with click maps, deliverability reports and a range of email performance metrics.
Optimize deliverability
After all your hard work, your email deserves to land in the inbox. SastaMail was ranked #1 in email deliverability by EmailToolTester.
Optimize performance
Keep improving email engagement by A/B testing and find out what works best for your audience. MailerLite makes it easy!
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advanced email marketing features

Create beautiful campaigns


Frequently Asked Questions

We cut through today’s complexity and use whatever technology it takes to get you where want to be.

Yes! You sign up to create a free account and start building email campaigns today.

Rather than being at the mercy of algorithms, a newsletter gives you a direct line of communication with your audience! Email list signups are on the rise, and you can expect $55 email marketing ROI for every dollar your spend.

Research shows us that email is still the best channel to reach people on, ahead of other channels, even with the increase in popularity of social media and other messaging platforms.